Reflection blog

Over the course of weeks, Nijah has been creating a commercial. She implemented different things, such as pictures, videos, music, and transitions inside of her video. She learned a lot about creating media and how to apply and edit to her commercial. She had a lot of trial and error within it , but overall she was successful and happy with the way her commercial came out. Nijah used her phone, ipad, and schools computer to put together and submit this whole commercial. Through this course she learned how to use the apps capcut and youtube. On capcut she learned how to add pictures and videos, extract audios, implement transitions and more. Using the app tiktok, it allowed her to see inspiration from different templates on how she could create her commercial. Using these different templates as a guide on how to create different effects and transitions allowed this process to go easier and smoother for her. This technology allowed Nijah to create a great commercial even while being...