
Showing posts from January, 2025

Production Blog: The filming date issue

  Hey Everyone! Today we will be discussing a quick little mishap we had when it came to filming. As we want to start filming as soon as we can there has been some complications on the days all of us are available to start. As there was certain days some of the group could and some couldn't due to work, school, etc. The one time we almost had everything finalized it came to our realization that our group member Natalie would be leaving for the entirety of our main filming days, as she will be out of town. So with that we resulted in rescheduling for an even earlier date to start the filming. Which happens to be a day after school, which may affect the amount we can get done. As there is only so much time we can do especially since it is a school night we might need to end earlier. As well as the other out of school responsibilities we still have to take care of.   Which may create bit more difficulty because we may need to find other days we can film again. Though we are ...

Production Blog: The Sound for Slumber Ends

  Hi everyone! Today we will be discussing the incorporation of sound in our film. As we know the intensity of horror can be immense and with the use of sound it can create an even more immersive feeling towards the audience. Whether it comes from small sound effects or amplifying the sound to certain movements and props throughout the set. It creates a lot more tension and edge of your seat type of feel. In this film with using enhancements surrounding the actions of the four girls the audience can pay more attention to their movements and at it will create a high amount of suspense every turn they take. Especially when it comes to them moving throughout the house as more suspicion grows throughout the new things that are contributing to the storyline. Now when it comes to sound effects, what really really contributes to keeping the audience intrigued is the background music. From eerie piano solos to squeaky dreadful violins playing a sad monotone melody. The use of the backgroun...

Production Blog: Script

 **Title: "Slumber Ends"** **Genre:** Thriller --- **Script:** *INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT* The camera opens on a cozy living room dimly lit by fairy lights, blankets scattered across the floor. A group of five teenage girls, LAURA (17), EMMA (17), TESSA (16), JASMINE (17), and BECCA (16), are sprawled around, chatting and laughing. **LAURA**   (Tariff cards/ creepy game cards) Okay, guys, who wants to know there future? The other girls groan, clearly skeptical but indulging in the fun. **JASMINE**   (rolling her eyes)   Come on, Laura. Are we really doing this? This is so dumb. **EMMA**   (half-laughing)   You’re scared, Jasmine. Admit it. Jasmine shrugs, half-smiling, trying to play it cool. **TESSA**   (joking)   You know, last time I did this, I swear something followed me home. **LAURA**   (mock serious)   Well, now’s your chance to find out if it's still with you. The girls start moving into a circle, and their laughter fades as they...

Planning Script

  Hello, bloggers when starting our initial production for our short film. My group decided how to split up work and catergoalically work depending on everyone’s schedules. Some of us have work often after school or activity’s that we partake in. By prioritizing convenient hours for each other we have schedules to work on Wednesday and Sundays.            Initially one of our first discussion as a group was surrounded by making a title for a short film. Trying to come up with something witty but short. Creative and appealing, we had so much to think of names like; slumber in the knight, A night to never forget, The last Slumber. We all came up with different names but settled with ‘Slumber Ends’  The name is great for our short film because it revealed the part of the slumber party but also the huddle ending or demise of one of the characters. Making viewers more intrigued  before the short film even starts.  During this time we also ...

Story Board


Planning Blog: Title Design

 The opening credits of the film will appear in a eerie font, “typed” into the Film sporadically.  The title of the short film will be "Slumber's End" It will be all bold, the font being called "Dark Mystic". Titles will fade-in and fade-out to give a suspenseful feeling. Titles will disappear after 2 or 3 seconds. Black font will be used for both the titles and the name of each person and their role in the film. Example; DIRECTED BY: Jane Doe The first and last name of the person who holds the job will be 2 sizes larger than the rest of the words.  DIRECTED BY: John Doe

Planning Blog: Location, Participants, Health, Schedule

 Schedule: Majority of our time spent filming will be afterschool, or on the weekends.  Location: The location of our filming will be at Callie's house, due to our project being centered around a sleepover.  Participants: Within our film, everyone will be in the film, however each of us will be taking turns filming each other, and to get a shot with all of us in it, we will either have a friend record it for us or use a tripod to capture our scene. Nijah will be editing and acting, Callie will be recording and acting, Natalie will direct and act, and Janiah will record and act.  Health & Safety: Within our film, we will be in a safe location, inside a teammates house with adults. Throughout our project, everything that can be seen as harmful is fake. Such as knifes, and any malicious actions. To ensure the safety of our team, our parents purchased us a first aid kit to keep on hand.  Props: Actors will be utilizing fake knives, fake blood, and anything seen ...

Short Film Research: Four Nights and a Fire

  a.Common Sound in your genre we see that throughout the short film that a majority of what we hear is ambient noise through all different parts of the environment that the film was shot. Which also gives us as the viewers a more in depth feel of what the main character is grieving and feeling. b.Common Mis-En-Scene (CLAMPS) in your genre With the film surrounding the story of a young Ojibwe photographer, the camera that he is using is a very key and essential prop that helped tie a connection within himself and his father’s journey of losing one another. As well as the differences within dark and light , lighting that basically showcases all the four day and nights he had undergone to protect his father’s spirit. which also I feel it symbolizes. The length of time in the emotion felt within the lightness in the dark darkness of the days. We see that throughout the clothing that the director is honoring the rituals of his native community. c.Common Editing in your genre...