Production Blog: The filming date issue

 Hey Everyone! Today we will be discussing a quick little mishap we had when it came to filming. As we want to start filming as soon as we can there has been some complications on the days all of us are available to start. As there was certain days some of the group could and some couldn't due to work, school, etc. The one time we almost had everything finalized it came to our realization that our group member Natalie would be leaving for the entirety of our main filming days, as she will be out of town. So with that we resulted in rescheduling for an even earlier date to start the filming. Which happens to be a day after school, which may affect the amount we can get done. As there is only so much time we can do especially since it is a school night we might need to end earlier. As well as the other out of school responsibilities we still have to take care of.  Which may create bit more difficulty because we may need to find other days we can film again. Though we are hopeful that we can complete a good and fair amount of the filming done the upcoming day we have planned. Perhaps splitting the filming with the group if there are small snippets or scenes where all the characters do not have to be there. Whatever will end up happening with the results of our new filming day coming up. Us as a team will continue to work with one another and make an excellent film. Thank you for reading and talk to you guys soon!


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