Production Blog: The Sound for Slumber Ends
Hi everyone! Today we will be discussing the incorporation of sound in our film. As we know the intensity of horror can be immense and with the use of sound it can create an even more immersive feeling towards the audience. Whether it comes from small sound effects or amplifying the sound to certain movements and props throughout the set. It creates a lot more tension and edge of your seat type of feel. In this film with using enhancements surrounding the actions of the four girls the audience can pay more attention to their movements and at it will create a high amount of suspense every turn they take. Especially when it comes to them moving throughout the house as more suspicion grows throughout the new things that are contributing to the storyline. Now when it comes to sound effects, what really really contributes to keeping the audience intrigued is the background music. From eerie piano solos to squeaky dreadful violins playing a sad monotone melody. The use of the background music sets the emotions at whatever intensity the film is undergoing during the storyline. Especially with the fast and slow paced music. That way the audience can differentiate when something might be approaching in the story or what was left behind, having them constantly wondering of what to think and make the story in their own interpretation. And with that being said sound will be an important establishment in our film as it will advance the intensity and tension that will grasp the audience.
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