Production Blog: Changes made from Film Review

 The group was very thankful for all the reviews they were given to fix the film to the best of their ability. The first thing they fixed was the sizing of the title names. They were oversized and the group thought that the actual film couldn't be seen behind the words. The second thing that was changed was the title of the film. Nijah accidentally put the film's title as "Dark Red" instead of "Red Room". So, Nijah had to go in and change that. Another thing that was changed was the voice overs. During the process of editing, Nijah was sick. But she still did the voiceovers as place holders until the group got the actual voiceovers for the film. They changed the voice actor to Imani because it was her inside the film, so the group thought why not have her as the voice actor as well. Something else that was changed during the process of editing was the font type being used. The original font that was supposed to be used; "Biotech" was messing up on the editing platform cap cut. The letter "A" in the font kept messing up, so Nijah found a different font that gave the same sense of eeriness. The font that Nijah chose to change it to is called "Nightmare Pills". Another thing that was fixed during the editing process was the length of the videos. Certain clips were too long, while others were too short. The group noticed that towards the end of the process where the whole video was put together. The group also noticed how choppy some scenes looked when all clips were put together. So, Nijah edited in some transitions to make the video run smoothly. Fade in/outs were put in as transitions. Nijah also added fade in/outs to the audios so it could run smoothly as well. 


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