Intro Blog

Today is the first day that Nijah works on a 2-minute intro to a movie. She is excited to work with her friends again throughout a new project. For this movie Nijah wants to have better scheduled days and keep the same process she had with her group in her last project. Nijah's last group project went very well, and she hopes her team can keep the same expectations as her last project. Although this project may be a little tough, she's sure her and her team can pull through. Staying on track is what is most important to Nijah.

Nijah also has a hidden love for watching movies her specific way. Before she watches a movie, she will watch multiple videos on the movie's plot and ending before actually diving in. Although it may be an odd thing, she does enjoy knowing what the movies already about. It also allows her to pick movies she knows she likes such as thriller or suspenseful genres instead of ones she doesn’t enjoy as much. One genre would be horror which are too scary and contain too much gore. Another genre would be action which have way too many scenes going on at once. Nijah believes this is the perfect project for her due to the fact that she's recently been watching more movies than usual. Such as movies with more crime and suspense, which is right up her alley.

Nijah is a determined girl and may not enjoy schoolwork but loves her school. She loves the environment her school created for their students. She also has love for the great education benefits and options her school gives her.  Being involved in school is very important to her, this is why she is taking this class currently. She hopes for the best and expects nothing less of this class! Shes excited for her newest project. 


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